German Shepherd Guide | Facts, Pictures | A-Z Animals

madhav rabadiya
14 min readJan 19, 2021


The German shepherd, or Alsatian, as British dog lovers call them, is the second most popular dog breed in the United States.

German Shepherd Guide | Facts, Pictures | A-Z Animals
German Shepherd Guide | Facts, Pictures | A-Z Animals

This working dog from the herding group features a luxurious double coat that can be anywhere from medium to long and comes in a variety of colors such as the traditional black and tan, solid white, or solid black. Their exceptional intelligence and adaptability make them well-suited for a wide array of jobs, including police work, service training, and, of course, loving companion.

This breed gets a bad reputation for aggressive behavior, but in reality, these dogs are more aloof with strangers than aggressive. As with any other breed, reputable breeders and early and consistent training determine the dog’s personality. These dogs can alter their personalities to fit their owner and training, so it’s up to the owner to show them how they should behave.

All about the German Shepherd video

German Shepherd Guide Scientific Classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Carnivora

Family: Canidae

Genus: Canis

Scientific Name: Canis Lupus

German Shepherd Guide Conservation Status: Not Listed

German Shepherd Guide Locations: Europe

German Shepherd Picture

German Shepherd Picture
German Shepherd Picture
German Shepherd Picture
German Shepherd Picture
German Shepherd Picture

German Shepherd Guide Facts

1. German Shepherds will explore everything with their noses

You’ll find evidence of their very thorough sniffing everywhere — walls, doors, windows, and more. All dogs have a better sense of smell than humans — 10,000 to 100,000 times better in fact thanks to having millions more scent receptors. But compared to other breeds, the GSD ranks near the top in scenting ability. It’s no wonder they make such great police and detection dogs. Among many other jobs, GSDs are known for their bomb and drug sniffing work, tracking, and Search and Rescue.

2. GSDs are incredibly smart

If you’re a German Shepherd owner, you have a strong suspicion your dog might actually be smarter than you are. After all, what can’t your dog do? These dogs are known for their intelligence and many can learn a new behavior in only a few repetitions. In addition, they have a legendary desire to cooperate and work with us, a trait many see as a wish to please their humans. No wonder this breed excels at so many activities and is a top Obedience competitor. Because German Shepherds are one of the brightest breeds, be sure to be consistent, use positive reinforcement-based methods, provide plenty of mentally stimulating toys, and play brain-challenging games.

3. German Shepherd Dogs are protective of their loved ones

They are known for being fearless and self-confident. GSDs will assertively stand their ground and are suited to be either watchdog or guardian, whichever the situation demands. They can be aloof with strangers yet are not hostile. This natural protective instinct is reassuring to the German Shepherd owner. But it also comes with a certain responsibility. You should be committed to spending time socializing and training your dog to ensure your companion feels comfortable around strangers and other dogs. If you do, you will benefit from all this dog has to offer.

4. GSDs provide constant companionship

In truth, German Shepherd owners are never lonely because their loyal canines are always by their side. Although GSDs are sometimes slow to warm to strangers, they are gentle and loving with their families. Their affectionate and dedicated personalities are a bonus of the breed, and they can be particularly fond of children. This means your GSD wants to spend time with you rather than being left alone all day, every day. Allowing your German Shepherd to be with you as much as possible will bring out the best in your dog.

5. German Shepherds are known as a mouthy breed

They tend to use their mouths as a hand thanks to that herding heritage. It’s even right there in their name, ShepHERD. This mouthing behavior is natural, so expect your GSD to mouth you and chew anything that will fit inside your pet’s mouth. However, that doesn’t mean you should let it go. What might be cute in your small puppy will get harder and stronger as your dog grows up. Training your dog not to chew your hand or the furniture is essential with this breed. Teach your German Shepherd to channel those instincts safely and appropriately.

6. German Shepherds shed

All GSD owners know that dog hair is a way of life. You find it on the furniture, the floor, and on every outfit you wear. According to the breed standard, the ideal GSD has a double coat of medium length with an outer coat that’s as dense as possible. That makes for a lot of fur! Not only do these dogs shed continuously, they also blow their coat (lose all their undercoat) twice a year, in the spring and fall. To help with shedding, brush your dog regularly. You’ll still have fur balls flying about, but just consider them a GSD-owner’s badge of honor.

7. German Shepherd Dogs are known for their versatility

If you need any job done, just ask your dog. GSD owners understand their dogs were developed as working dogs and can do almost anything. In fact, the ideal German Shepherd has a body and gait suited to the hard work that is considered its primary purpose. This means your dog can excel at almost anything. From dog sports like rally, agility, or scent work to therapy work to guide dog work, German Shepherds can do it all. The only thing holding your dog back is the time and energy you can commit to training. It’s no wonder people always think your dog is a service or police dog.

8. GSDs are super active

Therefore, so are you. Thinking of lounging on the couch? No way! German Shepherd owners know that won’t happen until you’ve walked your dog, gone to the park, or provided some sort of exercise. This breed only thrives with enough regular exercise to burn off all that excess energy. If you don’t give your GSD daily workouts, watch out. Your dog will get that energy out somehow, and most likely in ways you don’t want. To be sure your German Shepherd is happy and a pleasure to live with, you will definitely get all the exercise you need too.

9. German Shepherds are members of the Herding Group

So, if you own this breed, you’re no stranger to a nose nudging you. Whether it’s a nose in the back, a nose on your leg, or even a nose in your face, your dog is just doing what comes naturally. Although this breed isn’t often used to herd anymore, that herding heritage remains. So, along with the herding traits of independent thinking and intelligence, it’s perfectly normal for your GSD to herd human family members. Your dog might also show “following ahead” behavior — walking in front of you while looking back to ensure you’re walking in the right direction.

10. GSDs are loving companions

These are very social dogs who want to spend time with their humans. The more time your dog gets to spend with you, the happier your companion will be. They may exhibit aloofness with strangers rather than immediately adoring everyone they see, but that only makes their love even more special. Plus, these loyal and dedicated guardians and gentle family pets are willing to put their life on the line to protect their loved ones. And you can’t ask for a more loving best friend than that.

3 Pros and Cons of Owning a German Shepherd


They are beautiful dogs.

German shepherds are well-known for their thick, luxurious coat and come in a variety of attractive colors like black and tan, solid black and solid white.

They have a long lifespan.

German shepherds live for about 10 to 14 years, which means you’ll get to enjoy time with your canine companion for years to come.

They are highly intelligent and easy to train.

Unlike most intelligent breeds, German shepherds are eager to please their masters, which makes training them a joy. This trait is what makes them highly skilled working dogs in both service fields and police training.


They have an aggressive reputation.

Though their reputation isn’t accurate, many people see this breed as aggressive. Due to this misconception, your dog may not be welcome in dog parks, and new friends may be hesitant to visit your home. Your homeowner’s insurance premium could be higher than average as well.

They shed excessively.

Throughout most of the year, a German shepherd’s hair is manageable when you brush them multiple times a week, but during the two times they shed their coats each year, you’ll need to brush them at least once each day to keep ahead of the shedding.

They can be destructive if they don’t get enough attention.

German shepherds thoroughly attach themselves to their families, so if you leave them home alone for long periods, they will develop separation anxiety. This anxiety can lead to extremely destructive behavior that will not only destroy your home but can cause health issues in your pup as well.

German Shepherd Size and Weight

On average, German shepherds weigh between 75 and 90 pounds and stand 22 to 26 inches high at the shoulder. The males of this breed tend to be larger than the females.

German Shepherd Common Health Issues

Like many purebred dogs, German shepherds are prone to some fairly serious health conditions. One such condition, degenerative myelopathy, is a neurological disease that targets the spinal cord. It tends to come on later in life and leads to reduced mobility.

Bloating is another life-threatening concern for this breed, so owners should establish proper eating routines from an early age. Owners can reduce the occurrence of bloating by feeding smaller meals throughout the day, using a dish that forces a dog to eat slowly, use an elevated feeder and prevent heavy exercise for up to two hours after each meal.

This breed can also develop other serious conditions such as:

  • Epilepsy
  • Hip or elbow dysplasia
  • von Willebrand’s Disease
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Skin allergies
  • Lupus
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Perianal fistulas
  • Pannus
  • Pancreatic enzyme inefficiency
  • Panosteitis

German Shepherd Temperament

This breed has a certain level of dignity that many other breeds don’t possess, which means you’ll have to work for their friendship. Though it may take them longer to bond and make new friends than other dogs, once that friendship is forged, they make extremely loyal companions.

These dogs are one of the most intelligent dog breeds, which makes them excel at any job their owner chooses. They are also quite sensitive and hate being left alone, so if you spend much of your time away from home and can’t take your dog with you, a German shepherd is not the right dog for you.

Aggression in German Shepherds

Contrary to popular belief, these dogs are not naturally aggressive dogs. One of the biggest myths about this breed is that even if they begin life as docile animals, they will develop aggression. Many times, the public bases its opinion of this breed on dogs that work in jobs that require selective aggressive tendencies, like the kind that is common in police dogs. Training is the most important factor in determining aggression in any dog. Since German shepherds are so adaptable and eager to please, owners can teach them calm behavior just as easily as aggressive behavior. That’s not to say a well-trained German shepherd will never become aggressive; any dog who feels threatened may display aggressive behaviors to defend itself.

Another myth is that German shepherds aren’t good with kids. On the contrary, their high energy, extreme trainability and loyalty are all excellent traits for family pets. Due to their adult size and strength, early training and socialization around children are imperative to prevent injuries. It is also vital that parents teach their children how to interact with dogs safely.

Along these lines, German shepherds also have a bad and unfairly earned reputation for biting. This reputation is another behavior that some owners train into their dogs, leaving all German shepherds with a bad rap. In reality, labrador retrievers account for more bites on a yearly basis than German shepherds do. For most dogs, biting occurs when they are afraid, so proper training and socialization are imperative to keep your dog from displaying behaviors that could be deemed aggressive.

How To Take Care of a German Shepherd

German Shepherd Food and Diet

German shepherds do well on high-quality food formulated especially for large breeds. These dogs tend to have somewhat sensitive stomachs, so they should only eat human food sparingly, if at all. If you do choose to feed your dog table scraps, you should avoid fatty foods and never feed them cooked bones. When dogs eat cooked bones, the bones break into splintery shards that can perforate their stomach or bowels on their way through the digestive system.

Best German Shepherd Insurance

Like any other purebred dog, you’ll need to find pet insurance that covers the hereditary genetic disorders associated with a German shepherd.

German Shepherd Maintenance And Grooming

All German shepherds have a thick double coat consisting of a soft, dense undercoat and a coarse, water-resistant topcoat that is medium to long. Their coat is easy to maintain most of the year by brushing them every few days. Twice a year, they go through a major shedding spree called blowing, a month-long process in which they lose their seasonal undercoat. During the blowing season, you will need to brush your dog daily to avoid matting and hair build-up around the house.

Aside from brushing, the maintenance routine for a German shepherd is straightforward. All you need to do is brush their teeth regularly and trim their nails monthly. This breed is fairly clean with only a slight odor, so they only need bathing a few times a year.

German Shepherd Training

Unlike many intelligent breeds, German shepherds are eager to please their owners, which makes them a joy to train. All herding dogs have a certain level of protectiveness toward their families, so proper training and socialization should start immediately to show them that not every stranger means them harm.

German Shepherd Exercise

German shepherds are an active breed and require copious amounts of exercise to keep them happy and healthy. Since these dogs are highly intelligent, their exercise choices need not end at walks or backyard play. Dogs and owners alike can enjoy intellectual and agility-based activities like tracking and herding to create an unbreakable bond between them.

German Shepherd Puppies

As with all puppies, weeks 7 to 12 are the most crucial when it comes to proper socialization for German shepherds. If you want your dog to get along well with children or other pets, this is the optimal window to have them accept other members of their new family without many questions. That’s not to say you can’t teach your dog to get along with kids and other animals down the road, but the more exposure you can give your pup to all types of situations when they are young, the more likely you will be to have a calm, well-adjusted adult dog.

German shepherds don’t become adults until they are about 3 years old, so remember to be patient with your dog even when he looks like he’s outgrown his puppyhood.

German Shepherds And Children

If you raise your German shepherd with children from the start, they get along famously with all members of the family. That said, they are high-energy dogs who don’t always realize how big they are. Owners should take time to teach both dog and child how to safely interact with one another and never leave them unsupervised to avoid accidental injuries.

It is in the nature of a German shepherd to be aloof towards strangers, however, and children are no exception. It is vital for any owner who plans to have their dog around unfamiliar children to socialize them extensively and train them for this task at a young age. At the same time, parents should take care to teach their children the proper way to approach any unknown dog.

Dogs Similar to the German Shepherd

A few breeds that are similar in size or personality to German shepherds are Australian shepherds, Collies and Old English sheepdogs.

  • Australian shepherd: Australian shepherds have the same loyal and intelligent personality as a German Shepherd but in a smaller package.
  • Collie: Collies are roughly the same size as German shepherds and have the same devotion to their families, but they have a slightly longer lifespan.
  • Old English sheepdog: Old English sheepdogs are adaptable and intelligent like German shepherds, but they don’t need as much exercise.

Famous German Shepherds

Though there have been quite a number of famous German shepherds throughout history, the one who brought his breed into the spotlight was Rin-Tin-Tin. Corporal Lee Duncan found Rin-Tin-Tin and his littermates during World War 1 in the small French village of Flirey. Duncan raised the pup as his own and taught him an expansive collection of tricks. Rin-Tin-Tin’s impressive intelligence ultimately landed him a number of movie deals. Over the course of his illustrious career, he often played the part of a wolf because movie directors found him much easier to work with than an actual wolf. This famous pup was the original key to the success of the Warner Brothers film company.

German Shepherd Guide FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the scientific name for a German shepherd?

The scientific name for a German shepherd is Canis lupus familiaris. This breed is also known among British dog lovers as the Alsatian.

How long do German Shepherds live?

German shepherds live for an average of 10 to 14 years.

Are German shepherds aggressive?

Despite pop culture giving them a bad reputation for aggressive behavior, most German Shepherds are more aloof than aggressive. As with any breed, care in breeding, training and socialization is what determines a dog’s behavior.

Do German shepherds make good family dogs?

German Shepherds are loyal, intelligent and eager to please, which makes them excellent family dogs.

How big do German shepherds get?

German Shepherds often weigh between 75 and 90 pounds and stand 22 to 26 inches high at the shoulder. Males are usually bigger than females.

Are Shiloh shepherds and German shepherds the same breed?

No. While Shiloh shepherds and German shepherds look similar and have similar temperaments, they are different breeds. The main difference between them is that German shepherds are purebreds, while Shiloh shepherds are a mixed breed with Alaskan Malamute and German shepherd roots.

Are German Shepherds herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores?

German Shepherds are Omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and other animals.

What Kingdom do German Shepherds belong to?

German Shepherds belong to the Kingdom Animalia.

What class do German Shepherds belong to?

German Shepherds belong to the class Mammalia.

What phylum to German Shepherds belong to?

German Shepherds belong to the phylum Chordata.

What family do German Shepherds belong to?

German Shepherds belong to the family Canidae.

What order do German Shepherds belong to?

German Shepherds belong to the order Carnivora.

What type of covering do German Shepherds have?

German Shepherds are covered in Hair.

What genus do German Shepherds belong to?

German Shepherds belong to the genus Canis.


  1. American Kennel Club, Available here:
  2. Dogtime, Available here:
  3. Jubilant Pups, Available here:
  4. Mid-Atlantic German Shepherd Rescue, Available here:
  5. Deutscher Schaeferhund, Available here:
  6. Total German Shepherd, Available here:
  7. The Happy Puppy Site, Available here:,and%20plenty%20of%20loving%20attention.
  8. War History Online, Available here:



madhav rabadiya

Dogs for Better Lives (formerly Dogs for the Deaf) professionally trains dogs to help people and enhance lives while maintaining a lifelong commitment to all do